Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 5K Experience

In early December I ran my first 5K. Nothing can really describe the experience which is why it has taken me almost a month to write about it. Don't get me wrong, I am more than happy that I did it but I clearly needed more preparation. This post should have been a series of posts but I couldn't bring myself to sit down and recount the experience. So forgive me in advance for the long post.

My friend Cheryl and I started training with the Couch to 5K (C25K) app that I downloaded (its now called Ease into 5K) from the Apple App store in late September. We started the training by doing a series of run/walks on a track 3 times a week and later advanced to running around the campus of Prince George's Community College (Maryland). I remember the first time we ran for 3 minutes without stopping - we were so giddy over that accomplishment it was funny! Closer to the race we decided to run the actual 5K course at the National Harbor on Sundays. The first time we read the map wrong and cut out about 1.5 miles by turning down the wrong street. The second time we figured we read the map wrong again since the published course seemed to involve what is traditional trail running conditions (gravel and loose concrete). Surely we had the map wrong so the next time we decided to just run the trail backwards so we could attempt to figure this out. Our one challenge during the backward run was a hill that we were thankful would come at the "end" not the beginning of the race. After what proved to be our last training run on the actual course (albeit backwards) I knew I needed more work if I was going to finish in 45 minutes (my goal). I abandoned the C25K because it was a 30 minute program and clearly after 30 minutes I was no where near completing 3.2 miles. Fast forward to race day!

This was Cheryl and my first 5K EVER! We clearly needed an orientation because we looked like fish out of water. People were walking around looking "official", we were struggling to put our race numbers on without them looking goofy! We were freezing cold (it was 33 degrees that morning with a wind chill of 27) and the professionals were wrapped in trash bags and aluminum foil looking blankets, looking warm. There were THOUSANDS of folks there (9,000 for the 5k and over 18,000 for the 15K). The race started over an hour late so we were in the starting corrals freezing our buns off!

When the race finally got started there was a traffic jam of people and guess what - they changed the race course and that BIG HILL that we though was coming at the end (as a down slope), ended up at the beginning (as an up hill battle!). I promise you I cursed (and prayed) all the way up that hill. Once I got up the hill I had what was probably the equivalent of a HOT FLASH. My first thought was to take my jacket off but I'd pinned my race number to the jacket and couldn't get it off to tie around my waist! I'd long abandoned the hat and gloves but couldn't figure out how to get out of the jacket without stopping and running the risk of not finishing in a respectable time. Because of the traffic jam and that darn hill I really hoped to make it in less than an hour.

During the race I noticed people of all shapes, sizes and ages. Cheryl was about 2 minutes ahead of me and every now and then I'd catch a glimpse of her. There were two ladies who were running near me who, in my head, were my motivators / competitors. One was about 50 pounds heavier than me and who, instead of doing a run/walk, kept a steady slow jog. I was secretly envious of her - how did she do that?? Every now and then I needed to do a fast walk to pace my breathing. Then there was another lady who looked older than me who smiled every time I saw her - how did she do that?? I never equate running with happiness but somehow she kept smiling. Whenever either of these ladies passed me or were in my peripheral view I knew I had been walking too long or too slow so I started my jog. OH, did I mention that my teenager took my IPOD out of my purse the night before without telling me which left me without my pace music! So I had no idea if I was jogging too slow or walking too long or anything! My sense of time and pace were blown and I was left with only my thoughts and my two competitors/motivators.

At one point, somewhere around the 2.5 mile mark, I looked beyond the gates surrounding the National Harbor and saw the community where one of my Spelman sisters lives. I thought about abandoning the race, jumping the fence, and going to her house to lay down. Then I realized there was no way I'd be able to lift my legs to climb that fence and plus "Miss Smiley" was on my heels. So I just kept going. I couldn't see Cheryl anymore but in the distance I could see the finish line. There was also the last hill that I had to conquer before I got there. Someone was on the loud speaker at the finish line calling names and encouraging folks to finish strong. In my head I knew the end was near but I was HOT, my legs were HEAVY, and at that moment "Miss Steady Jog" passed me. I wasn't going to let that happen, not after all this time of staying ahead of her! The last hill was a beast but I managed to pass Miss Steady Jog and never saw Miss Smiley again. I managed to finish in 57 minutes, I believe Cheryl finished in 53 minutes. The moment I crossed the finish line I swore I would never do it AGAIN! My lungs hurt, my legs hurt, I was HOT, and I had to walk up yet another hill to get my hot chocolate, fondue (The race was sponsored by Ghiradelli so chocolate was waiting for us), and my stuff I'd left in the item check area.

While posing with Cheryl for our official finish line photo I remembered why I did this race! To raise money for UMPSCare Charities. The charity represents Major League Baseball Umpires and they provide Build-A-Bear workshops for hospitalized children who are fighting Cancer and terminal illnesses. My goal was to raise $350 for the cause but I'd raised $540 from people who believed in me and the cause. I was so proud of myself! I'd finished something that everyone else knew I could do - long before I did it. It was as if I had an automatic "aha" moment, an epiphany of sorts. My legs still hurt, my lungs ached for days, and parts of my body that I forgot about were sore but I FINISHED. It wasn't cute, I didn't finish with a pep in my step, and if I didn't want that cute race jacket so bad I would have ripped it off during mile 2 and threw it over the fence! After all of that I say with confidence I can't wait for my next 5K - I'm hooked! I need to get back to training so I can conquer the next one with confidence! My goal is to run the entire race - no walking!

This Journey is All Mine!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Time to Give Thanks!

Last year this time I posted this message for the swim parents of my daughter's swim team. I wanted to share it here since its so relevant to this season and these times. Enjoy and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

It's something about the holiday season that always brings out the best in folks.......OK, I'll speak for myself.......something about the holiday season always brings out the generosity in me. Having spent many years in non-profit management in Washington, DC I know there are many in the area who are in need. Unfortunately the media and our own personal perceptions lead us to believe that only the poorest of the poor need assistance. But what about the family who is living from pay check to pay check, the family who is financially strapped because of medical bills or prescription costs, the elderly couple who lives in your neighborhood who has a limited income, or the family whose head of the household was recently impacted by a lay-off? They may need help too!

Some of my fondest childhood memories were during the holiday when my Mother would bake holiday goodies, crochet an extra scarf, pick up an extra set of gloves while shopping for gifts, or just practice a random act of kindness for someone else. One year when I was about 12 we were headed from the mall and it was extremely cold! I grew up in Newark, NJ and we'd often travel via car to the mall in Livingston, NJ. The mall was not that far from our home but I remember there was only 1 bus line that went from Newark to the mall and it did not run very often. On our way out the mall this particular year there was a woman with her child (about 4 years old) standing on the bus stop and it had started to snow. The woman had on a coat and hat and the child had a snow suit on but they looked very cold, she had a lot of bulky bags, and the bus was nowhere in sight. We were waiting at the traffic light and I saw my mother's gaze fixated on the child. I knew she was going to do something but I had no idea what. You see my mother was a teacher, a Girl Scout leader, a Cub Scout leader, a friend, and a confidant to many. So I knew she could not just drive by. As the light turned green she pulled up to the bus stop and asked the woman where she was going. Of course the woman was hesitant but clearly something about my Mother's genuine care and concern lead her to let her guard down and talk to my Mother. My Mom offered the woman and her child a ride (the woman was 2 buses away from home and it was getting dark!). She told the woman that it was too cold for the child to be out without any gloves on (I remember thinking that it was more than just not having on gloves!). Still sensing some hesitancy my Mother said to the woman "I know what its like to stand on a bus stop with my child in the cold. Please let me at least take you half way home so you have time to warm up before waiting for the next bus". The woman smiled and got in the car with us and allowed my mother to take her all the way home. When we got to her house my mother got out the car, helped her with her daughter and her bags, and she went in the trunk of the car and gave the woman another bag with items she'd initially purchased for herself: a set of long johns, a hat and scarf set, a pack of tube socks, and a pair of mittens. The woman gave my Mother a hug and kept thanking her. When my Mom got back in the car I asked her why she gave the stuff that she bought for herself to the woman and she simply said: "Because she needs to be warm the next time she takes the bus and all of the stuff she purchased was for her daughter, she needed a gift too!"

Now I am not suggesting that you give a stranger a ride but I am suggesting that you consider others this holiday season. Invite a neighbor who can't be with family next week over for Thanksgiving dinner, pick up an extra pair of gloves and give them to the gentleman who always offers to pump your gas in exchange for money, buy a $5 gift card to Dunkin Donuts and give it to a homeless person, buy an extra turkey and give it to someone - just because! The best lessons parents teach in life are taught when you aren't really trying to teach. A simple act of kindness can leave a lasting impression on your child - as in my story above. In this season of thanksgiving lets be thankful for all that we have, no matter how small. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

This Journey Is All Mine!


Monday, October 17, 2011


In December I am running (yes I said running!) the Hot Chocolate 5K at the National Harbor (MD) to help provide memorable Build-A-Bear Workshop® experiences for children with cancer and other serious illnesses.  Please support this effort by making a tax-deductible donation on my personal fundraising page (  A hospital stay can be a frightening time for children and their families.  Major League Baseball umpires, sports team mascots, and professional sports photographers team up to host Build-A-Bear Workshop experiences at children's hospitals across the country. Hospitalized children make stuffed teddy bears, puppies or kittens while sharing high-fives with the mascots.  With our support, UMPS CARE Charities will host 12 children's hospital events in 2012.

My goal is to raise $350 by November 10th for this worthy cause.  A donation of any size is appreciated but here is a general guideline for you to consider:
SINGLE =  $25...1 Build-A-Bear Workshop
DOUBLE = $50...2 Build-A-Bear Workshops
HOME RUN = $100...4 Build-A-Bear Workshops
GRAND SLAM = $250+...10+ Build-A-Bear Workshops

I am challenging all of my friends, family, and followers to make a donation of at least $10 to support this effort!  NO PRESSURE but if at least 25 of us support this cause that will equal a "Grand Stand" or 10 Build-A-Bear Workshops for Children with cancer and other serious illnesses.  I know we can do it!  So far I’ve raised $90 toward my goal of $350. I look forward to exceeding my goal, with your help!  The more money raised the more Build-A-Bear workshop experiences local children can look forward to.

Did I mention all donations are tax-deductible!  Thanks in advance for considering this cause.  Subscribe to this Blog for updates to my fundraising, training, and more! Oh yeah, don't forget to follow me on Twitter @PhDCupcake.
